Un contact Radioamateur aura lieu le Lundi 27/05/19 vers 19H44 UTC (21H44 heure de Paris). Il aura lieu entre David St-Jacques (KG5FYI) et le Mildred Hall School, Yellowknife, NT, Canada.
Le contact aura lieu en télé-bridge sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite. Il sera conduit par une station Belge (ON4ISS) et donc sera audible depuis la France.
Le contact sera conduit en Anglais.
Voici les questions :
- Why is space travel so important to astronauts and other humans?
- I saw a picture you took of the northern lights and we have a lot of them over here in Yellowknife. Are you able to fly through the northern lights?
- How do you see the sun from where you are? Is there a sunrise or sunset? Is it different to how we see it on Earth?
- How long are you there and how long can a person stay in space? Does it affect your body in anyway, causing irreversible consequences?
- Do you constantly work up there? Do you do anything for fun? If so, what?
- What is your favorite thing about being in space?
- What is the most challenging thing about being in space?
- Does your hair and nails grow at the same rate in space? Is there anything different about the way they grow?
- If there is an emergency on the space station and you have to escape, is there an emergency pod? If not, what happens?
- What is gravitational time dilation?
- How do you keep time in space? Are you in a time zone?
- Do you think humans will ever live on another planet?
- What were you thinking when you blasted off?
- What is the strangest thing you have ever seen or experienced in space?
- Is it as silent as movies show? Why?
- What do you miss the most while you are there?
Bonne écoute 😉
Reçu hier soir à 21H44 , sur un WEBSRD à Cestas en Gironde
Je remercie l’initiative d’ARISS
Je remercie le websrd de CESTAS