Un contact Radioamateur aura lieu le Mercredi 31/01/2018 vers 16h42 UTC (17h42 heure de Paris). Il aura lieu entre Joe Acaba KE5DAR et le Central Magnet Math & Science ES Batesville School District, Batesville, Arizona, USA.

The International Space Station (ISS) crew members Joe Acaba of the the U.S., gestures after donning space suits shortly before their launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan September 12, 2017. REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov – RC1CC5432020
Le contact aura lieu en télé bridge sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite. Il sera conduit par une station du nord de l’Italie (IK1SLD), et donc audible sur une partie de l’Europe.
Le contact sera en anglais.
Voici les questions :
1. Walker (4th): How do astronauts travel to and from the space station?
2. Gareth (4th): Is your sense of time distorted because you are orbiting the earth every 90 minutes?
3. Yuridia (4th): What is it like to perform an EVA?
4. AshLee (5th): How do you keep in contact with your family?
5. Leslie (5th): How do the stars look from the space station?
6. Elizabeth (5th): What is it like to transition to micro gravity when you arrive at the space station?
8. Alexander (6th): What inspired you to become an astronaut?
9. Aya (6th): What are the experiments you work on aboard the space station?
10. Ty (6th): How does the space station get oxygen?
11. Walker (6th): Do you crave certain foods while you are in space?
12. Gareth (6th): How do you spend your free time on the space station?
13. Yuridia (6th): Do you play any games, sports or exercise while in space?
14. AshLee (5th): What is your perspective of seeing the Earth?s weather from space?
15. Leslie (5th): Are you hopeful astronauts will return to the moon?
16. Elizabeth (5th): How long will you be staying on the ISS?
17. Melody (4th): What happens to the trash you produce on the ISS?
18. Alexander (4th): Is it comfortable sleeping in a weightless environment?
19. Aya (4th): How do astronauts take care of medical problems while in space?
20. Ty (4th): What advice can you give for students wishing to become an astronaut?
Bonne écoute 🙂
Comme toujours, merci pour ces informations! Bonne écoute à tous!
je confirme avoir entendu aujourd’hui Joe Acaba KE5DAR et le Central Magnet Math & Science ES Batesville School District, Batesville, Arizona, USA. le qso de iss depuis la normandie en jn09na a 16h42 le 31/012018 73s de F-80.029 OP Herve https://youtu.be/1YlTqtuwjW4