Un contact Radioamateur aura lieu le 30/04/2022 vers 08H37 UTC (10H37 heure de Paris).
Il aura lieu entre Samantha Cristoforetti (IZØUDF) et l’Istituto Comprensivo Tolfa, Tolfa, Lazio, Italie.
Le contact aura lieu en direct sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite.
Il sera conduit par une station Italienne (IK1WGF ) et donc sera audible depuis la France.
Le contact sera conduit en Italien.
Voici les questions en Anglais :
1. When you go on a mission what are the things that worry you most?
2. What did you feel the first time you witnessed the vastness of space, its darkness and emptiness?
3. On your missions what has been the most meaningful experience and the most disappointing one?
4. What are the physical and mental effects an astronaut can experience once back on Earth?
5. Do astronauts do a specific training to keep calm in any situation?
6. What did you have to give up to become an astronaut?
7. How do you perceive the passing of time on the ISS?
8. NASA could hear the « sound of Space »: what is it?
9. What physical training is necessary before a mission?
10. How evident is Earth’s suffering from space?
11. What did you feel the first time you saw Earth from space?
12. In recent years have any animals been sent on missions?
13. Have you always dreamt of becoming an astronaut?
14. How many people form the crew of a spaceship?
15. What is courage for you?
16. Is your astronaut training useful also in your daily life on Earth?
17. Which is your astronaut diet?
Bonne écoute 🙂