Contact radioamateur du 23/02/2023
Un contact Radioamateur est prévu ce jeudi 23/02/2023 vers 9h32 UTC (10h32 heure de Paris).
Il aura lieu entre Koichi Wakata (KI5TMN) et l’Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore “Il Pontormo”, Italie
Le contact se fera par la station italienne sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite.
Il sera conduit par une station italienne (IQ5EM) et donc audible depuis la France.
Le contact sera conduit en anglais.
webstream: https://www.ilpontormoempoli.edu.it/
1. What are your thoughts and feelings before liftoff?
2. On the ISS, what is the prevailing feeling since you are flying kilometers away from the Earth in a limited livable space?
3. Which experiences on the ISS have excited you the most and which ones were unexpected?
4. How does the perception of time and space change from staying on Earth and flying on the ISS?
5. What is the relationship among crew on ISS with so many different nationalities represented?
6. Does living in microgravity affect your sleep-wake mechanism and how do your dreams change when you are in Space?
7. Has there ever been a significant emergency since you arrived on the ISS? If so, how did you sort it out?
8. Are there any aspects of your training which have turned out to be useful in your everyday life and are there any habits you have taken up in Space that you maintain after you get back to the Earth?
9. A few years ago, the ISS was proposed for the Nobel Peace Prize. Where do you see the future of international collaborative space efforts going forward?
10. How do you get used to terrestrial gravity when you get back to the Earth?
11. What are the main challenges you daily overcome during your stay on the Space Station?
12. What are the aims of the scientific research you conduct on the ISS? What limits are there for space research?
13. Excluding ground control, who are you in touch with on Earth and how do you maintain this contact?
14. What leads you to explore and study Space? Is it irrepressible curiosity, thirst for knowledge or the will of being the first to make new discoveries?
15. How did your passion for exploring Space come about and what suggestions would you give to a teenager eager to become an astronaut?
Bonne écoute 😊