Un contact radioamateur est prévu le vendredi 06 octobre 2023 vers 13H11 UTC (15H11 heure de Paris).
Il aura lieu entre l’astronaute Jasmin Moghbeli (KI5WSL) et l’Université de Technologie de Dublin en Irlande.
Le contact se fera sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite par la station EI1ISS. L’indicatif utilisé sera OR4ISS et sera audible depuis la France.
Le contact sera conduit en anglais.
Students First Names & Questions:
1. Fatma (9): How long does it take to train to become an astronaut?
2. Bhavesh (10): How does it feel to take off into space?
3. Nadine T (10): How do you contact your family?
4. Nathanael (10): Does the International Space Station break down often?
5. Zofia (10): Do you feel stress or anxiety when you are in outer space?
6. Ethan (10): How do you know when it is morning and night time?
7. Taha (9): Do you dream differently in space?
8. Nadine B (10): How does returning from space affect your body?
9. Nathan (10): How do you get a haircut in space?
10. Anastasia (10): What skills do you need to go into space?
11. Shayleigh (10): How do you keep your food fresh?
12. Fletcher (10): What happens if you hurt yourself, does your blood float?
13. Fatma (9): What is the scariest part of being an astronaut?
14. Bhavesh (10): Could you bring your pet with you to the Space Station?
15. Nadine T (10): Is it difficult to wear your space suit?
16. Nathanael (10): What made you want to become an astronaut?
17. Zofia (10): What is, in your opinion, the best and worst food on the space station?
18. Ethan (10): What do you do in your free time?
19. Taha (9): During launch, where does the first stage end up?
20. Nadine B (10): What happens if you break wind while in the space station?