Un contact ARISS est prévu le samedi 23 juillet 2011 à 9h 42 UTC (11H42 CEST) avec le camp spatial 2011 de l’ESA à San Rossore (Pisa) en Italie.
Les participants sont des enfants des employées de l’ESA. Ils ont âgés de 8 à 17 ans.
Le signal descendant sera audible au-dessus de l’Europe sur 145.800 MHz FM .
Le contact sera réalisé par IQ5VR.
Le contact réalisé en anglais sera probablement retransmis en vidéo sur :http://www.livestream.com/AMSAT_Italia
La liste des questions préparés est la suivante :
1. Do you think aliens exist ?
2. Do you like camping ?
3. Did you have many friends when you were a child ?
4. Are you good at sport ?
5. Is it true that from space the Earth looks fragile ?
6. Are you homesick ?
7. What is your favorite sport ?
8. Do you think the space agencies will soon detect an exoplanet with alien forms of life ?
9. Do you have children ?
10. Do you ever have issues with your crew mates ?
11. How do you feel about the end of the Shuttle program ?
12. Do you have any suggestion for a sustainable lifestyle ?
13. Did you participate to survival camps during your astronaut training ?
14. If you would meet an alien, what would you tell him ?
15. Have you ever been in Italy and Pisa in particular ?
16. Are you worried about pollution ?
17. When are you coming back to Earth ?
18. What did you study at school ?
19. What kind of physical exercises do you do during the astronaut training ?
20. Do you have animals on board the International Space Station ?