Contact ARISS prévu en UK le 11 février 2016 à 18h11 UTC

Un contact ARISS est prévu le 11 février 2016 à 18h11 UTC entre la station spatiale internationale et l’école Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth en Angleterre.

Le contact sera réalisé en direct et opéré par GB1RMS.

Il sera audible au dessus de l’Europe en langue anglaise.

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Ci-dessous les questions qui seront posées :

1. Jana (Year 6): If you have hiccups in space do you bounce around?
2. Eva (Year 7): I watched your video on water and why it turned into a sphere. Would you get the same reaction with a fizzy drink like lemonade?
3. Isabella (Year 3): I’m 7 years old – when I am your age, what do you think space travel will look like?
4. Rosa and Millie (Year 9): We have heard you had to breathe o2 before your brilliant spacewalk. Are there any precautions you had to take after returning inside the ISS?
5. Saira (Year 9): What was the first word that came into your head when you saw the Earth from Space?
6. Amelia (Year 8): What was the hardest thing to adjust to when you arrived at the ISS?
7. Elizabeth (Year 8): Which of your muscles has been affected the most by the zero gravity?
8. Jasmine (Year 8): Who was your biggest inspiration to travel into space?
9. Tallulah (Year 9): How is being an astronaut different from being an aquanaut, apart from the sea and the air?
10. Kitty (Year 9): What is the best advice that you have been given and wish to pass on to future astronauts before travelling to the ISS??
11. Yasmin (Year 9): Your blog says that you are doing research into new space age metals using a levitation furnace. Why is zero gravity better for this type of experiment?
12. Miranda (Year 8): Aside from plants, how do you produce oxygen on the ISS?
13. Tallulah (Year 10): What is the difference between flying a helicopter and being in a rocket going to the ISS?
14. Aaliya (Year 10): Did your training prepare you for the actual experience of space jet lag given you have said you adjusted so quickly?
15. Evie (Year 8): How is the ISS helping us deal with the challenges of deep space voyages?
16. Laura (Year 12): Is there an ‘up’ on the space station when conducting a spacewalk for navigational /orientating purposes?
17. Sophie (Year 3): What is your favourite experiment that you have carried out in space, and why?
18. Jane (Year 8): What has been the most surprising everyday object on the ISS that you did not expect to find?
19. Diana (Year 10): How often do you see Solar wind?
20. Evie (Year 8): When Chris Hadfield recently visited us he said your guitar skills were good but needed more practice Do you have time to practice the guitar in space?


Source ARISS / Gaston Bertels ON4WF


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